The Easy Wake up Schedule - things you do when waking up

  1. Apply make-up If needed
  2. Brush teeth
  3. Check schedule
  4. Check to make sure you have your needs before you start your day
  5. Check to see if car is in working condition
  6. Check to see if you are missing anything
  7. Clean dishes
  8. Clean pores again
  9. Clone or perfume
  10. Deodorant
  11. Dress
  12. Eat breakfast
  13. Get wallet and/or purse
  14. Go Pee
  15. Kiss Wife
  16. Make sure you let you pets out and feed them If you have any
  17. Make your hair look nice
  18. Shower If not done in the night
  19. Turn off alarm clock
  20. Wrist watch If needed